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Meadow-Knapp Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

The MK wind tunnel is a low-speed, closed-loop, fully automatic wind tunnel. The speed range is 4-65m/s. The turbulence level is about 0.1%.
The test section is 0.61m wide, 1.5m high and 4.25m long. The tunnel is temperature-controlled. 
We measure pressures, forces, velocities, and perform flow visualization in this facility.


Low Turbulence Low Speed Wind Tunnel

The LTLS wind tunnel is a low-speed, closed-loop, quiet facility. Speed is stable from 0.1 up to 40m/s. The turbulence level is below 0.04%. The test section is 0.609m wide, 0.910m high, and 6m long. We have several interchangeable test sections. We measure pressures, forces, velocities, and perform PIV and flow visualization in this facility.

Mixing Layer Facility

The MLF is combined from two wind tunnels with a common test section. It is an open-loop, low-speed facility (1-13m/s). Each stream velocity is independently controlled. The upper stream can be heated. The test section is 0.6m wide, 0.6m high and 2m long. We measure pressures, velocities (HW & 7HP), temperatures, and perform flow visualization in this facility.

Actuator Characterization Lab

The Actuator lab is used to bench-top test the performance of flow control actuators. It can accommodate all our wind tunnel models in an environmentally controlled room. A 3D traversing system is situated on an optical table. A compressible calibration jet is available. We also have a low-speed thrust vectoring experiment in this lab. We measure velocities, unsteady pressures and perform flow viz in this lab.

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Other sensors

Balance Systems

Six-axis Force/Torque Sensor systems measure all six components of force and torque. The measurement range is from few grams to 2,500 [N].

Hot and Cold Wire Anemometer​

Unsteady velocity measurement system.

Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (TRPIV)

3 TRPIV systems with high-speed cameras to demonstrate the velocity field.

Dynamic Pressure Sensors

High range gauge pressure sensors.

3D printers

The lab owns and operates five 3D printers of FDM and SLA types.

We use a variety of materials for each printer. From carbon-fiber reinforced filaments to flexible material and anything in between. We can print in any color you like as long as it's black.

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